Create a web and desktop application with Angular and electronJS
- nodejs
- git
- @Angular/cli
Installation of prerequisites
Install nodejs. Go to and download the installer.
I took the version “12.4.0 Current”
We’re checking the intallation.
node -v
Install git. Go to
Check the correct installation
git version
git version
Nodejs is required to install Angular/cli.
Install the latest version of Angular with npm (node package manager)
npm install @angular/cli
ng version
We’re going to make a copy (git clone) of Maxime GRIS’ excellent work.
git clone
We go into the folder of our application (in this case Angular-Electron) and install the dependencies
cd angular-electron
npm install
Launch the default web application in a browser with the following command
npm run ng:serve:web
The url should be available at http://localhost:4200/#/ .
Here is a screenshot of the page.
To start the desktop software in development mode. Type the following command:
npm start
A window starts and you get this
To compile the web application so that it can be distributed on a server, we do
npm run build:prod
This command will compile the web application in mode — aot . I refer you to the excellent article by Sébastien Olivier which explains the usefulness of this method of compilation aot (ahead of time)
Once the application is compiled, simply move all the files in the dist/ directory to an FTP directory for example.
Creating an Executable application when it is very easy also. It can take some time. This is normal. It is done with the following command:
npm run electron:windows
In the release/folder
Thanks to A.A for translating this article
FR Version